No More Weight-ing Around!
Okay. This is getting ridiculous. Ah, who am I kidding: it's been ridiculous - for far too long now. I could be referring to my hair (my split ends have split ends) or my unwaxed eyebrows (they're like caterpillars mating on my forehead) or my house (I don't have dust bunnies any more, I have dust ... yaks). But no. I'm referring to my diet. And "diet" doesn't even seem like a good word for it, since that implies something semi-healthy, and my major food groups lately are fat, sugar, and salt.
And more sugar.
Like, the amount in, say, a batch of cupcakes with buttercream frosting. I mean, that's totally hypothetical.
( ... Or not.)
Point is, after Colin it didn't take me long to lose 80 pounds. After Cameron, I lost 90 pounds ... in six short months! But the fat I piled on during my pregnancy with Coby is still hanging around (literally - ugh) even though he's four months old, and my eating habits are only making things worse. I need to be shedding the weight of, like, a fourth-grader - yet here I sit, stuffing my face with utter crap, lookin' like big-booty-Judy.
I used to be smokin' hot, y'all. All sexy and stuff. There was a time in my early twenties when I got up every morning, ran (ran!) two miles with my dog, and did an hour of Tae-Bo five to seven days a week. And looked forward to it all. And was rewarded with muscle tone and a nice ass, not to mention loads of lovely confidence.
But that was before kids. These days, when I run? It's to stop a spill, or to catch Cameron before he splashes in the toilet. Now I fix grilled cheese sandwiches or something for lunch and when they eat two bites and proclaim themselves finished, who eats the leftovers? Me. I mean, you know, all those starving kids in third-world countries ...
I have a wedding to go to at the end of July. The very important wedding of a very good friend. I can't be lookin' all fat and schlumpy. Not only that, but I may have volunteered for a sixty-mile breast cancer walk in October (more on that later!). So you see? I have very important reasons for getting these extra pounds off.
That and I'm tired of my ass, y'know, moving independently of the rest of my body. Like, I can stand here and jiggle and even when I stop moving, my butt keeps on jiggling. Like Jell-O. It didn't always do that, and I don't want it to any more.
So I'm taking baby steps to get rid of this baby weight. First things first, start exercising again, because I was doing AWESOME there for a while and then totally fell off the wagon. (Hard. Like ooomph, right onto my face.) Second thing, start eating less - and stop snacking mindlessly while I do other stuff.
Anybody wanna join me? I need inspiration!
Or maybe just somebody to smack me upside my head with a thin picture of myself ...
And more sugar.
Like, the amount in, say, a batch of cupcakes with buttercream frosting. I mean, that's totally hypothetical.
( ... Or not.)
Point is, after Colin it didn't take me long to lose 80 pounds. After Cameron, I lost 90 pounds ... in six short months! But the fat I piled on during my pregnancy with Coby is still hanging around (literally - ugh) even though he's four months old, and my eating habits are only making things worse. I need to be shedding the weight of, like, a fourth-grader - yet here I sit, stuffing my face with utter crap, lookin' like big-booty-Judy.
I used to be smokin' hot, y'all. All sexy and stuff. There was a time in my early twenties when I got up every morning, ran (ran!) two miles with my dog, and did an hour of Tae-Bo five to seven days a week. And looked forward to it all. And was rewarded with muscle tone and a nice ass, not to mention loads of lovely confidence.
But that was before kids. These days, when I run? It's to stop a spill, or to catch Cameron before he splashes in the toilet. Now I fix grilled cheese sandwiches or something for lunch and when they eat two bites and proclaim themselves finished, who eats the leftovers? Me. I mean, you know, all those starving kids in third-world countries ...
I have a wedding to go to at the end of July. The very important wedding of a very good friend. I can't be lookin' all fat and schlumpy. Not only that, but I may have volunteered for a sixty-mile breast cancer walk in October (more on that later!). So you see? I have very important reasons for getting these extra pounds off.
That and I'm tired of my ass, y'know, moving independently of the rest of my body. Like, I can stand here and jiggle and even when I stop moving, my butt keeps on jiggling. Like Jell-O. It didn't always do that, and I don't want it to any more.
So I'm taking baby steps to get rid of this baby weight. First things first, start exercising again, because I was doing AWESOME there for a while and then totally fell off the wagon. (Hard. Like ooomph, right onto my face.) Second thing, start eating less - and stop snacking mindlessly while I do other stuff.
Anybody wanna join me? I need inspiration!
Or maybe just somebody to smack me upside my head with a thin picture of myself ...

I'm with you! I'm on day 6 - an hour of cardio everyday on the treadmill, 100 crunches and then on to weights - I've got 50 pounds to go! Yikes!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am here with you....I've gone back to Weight Watchers and trying to excercise every day. You can do've done it before. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you too! It's been difficult for me to get truly motivated, but I think I've finally got my head on straight. I'm just stocking my fridge with healthier snacks like baby carrots, string cheese, and oranges instead of things like cookies and chips. I know I have more time for exercise than you probably do with your gaggle of kiddos, but I also try to work out on our elliptical the majority of the week. My goal is to lose about 25 lbs by the time I go to CCRM this summer for initial testing, so I have a long ways to go!
ReplyDeleteI know how hard it is, trust me! My baby is now 7 (years, not months or weeks) and I still haven't been back to my prepregnancy weight. I'm now trying to get my lard ass moving more, it's just so hard! We can do it! We should form a "support group" :).
ReplyDeleteI need to jump on the get-fit wagon, too. Since getting married, I've gotten lazy and happy. I don't have a bundle of joy to blame it on either. I tried out a gym in Rock Island in January and hate it - I can never find a machine. So I'm still on the hunt.
ReplyDeletegirl, i keep a picture of 20-something, pre-baby, self in my underwear on the fridge so the husband remembers what i used to be. i've lost all but 5 pounds of baby weight but could stand to lose another 20 after that. because stuff is hanging and it is not the hotness.
ReplyDeleteOh Rita, Girl, you be preachin' to my choir. (At least you have an excuse- babies). I haven't had any children and I still need to shed the weight of a fourth-grady. I was telling the hubby this just last night. I used to like shopping for clothes, getting dressed in the morning, going out lookin all hott-ass. Now I just look and feel like ass. So, I'm gonna hop on your wagon and start eating better and exercising. I turn 30 in June and although it's probably not possible that quickly, I'd like to lose as close to 30 lbs by then.
ReplyDeleteLet's keep each other motivated :)
Right there with you! I could use a support group as well. We can all do this together!
ReplyDeleteI am right there with you! after my first baby the weight fell right off, and after the second I worked out and managed to loes 50lbs even though I had only gained 30 during my pregnancy. And then I had my third, and no one to watch the kids while I worked out, and if you can't work out then what is the point of eating healthy, so pass the cupcakes and candy corn please. Now I'm finally getting serious about it - you can read about it here: . I can't wait to read about your success!
ReplyDeleteI've been there! I actually love the Self Diet club (it's part of Self magazine). I lost all my baby weight and than some when I did their Self Challenge (starts in March?). It's got a great online community and I could keep up with many of the routines during nap-time.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!
portion control, exercise and no snacking. it is slow, but it works, I even am starting to look better in clothes (it will be a while before I look better not in clothes). And it has been 23 years since I have had my baby, I think that excuse is getting a bit old.
ReplyDeleteI hear ya, girl, I hear ya!!! I am still working off the 1st baby weight 6 months later. It just seems like no matter how many cupcakes I eat, it just won't come off!! Anyways, a cancer walk you say - I almost want to guess where you live b/c there is one out my way in October as well. Are you on a team or are you going solo??
I'm with you! Tell me what you're starting with and I'll join in!
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I'm with you (have been all along, falling off wagons or not - well, I actually threw myself off the wagon). I just recently learned to cut all sugar down to 15 grams or less a day and keep to 5 servings of carbs (not the good carbs like veggies, those OTHER ones) - amazing results. It kicked my plateau I'd been dealing with since before Thanksgiving. My Little Black Dress journey will work with you on your Smokin' Hot Bod journey. I believe together all of us on here will reach our goals.
ReplyDeleteExercise has never been my problem. The crap I throw in my mouth is. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was eating clean (Tosca Reno style) I lost a ton of weight pretty easily. Due to several major personal crises, a back injury, and a lack of time to plan healthy meals I resorted to eating anything I could and put half the weight back on. I'm back to eating clean--which I love and feels natural to me anyway--and I'm beginning to see some progress. Just so long as I fit into all my summer clothes by summer I'll be happy...I am so not going to go out and buy new fat clothes!
ReplyDeleteI am right there with you! I went to water aerobics last week and I could feel my butt jiggling every where. It was HORRIBLE! I joined a gym because they are starting a Biggest Loser contest on the 1st for 25 women. I was chosen to be one. Strict diet and lots of exercising coming Monday. I'll be blogging about it on my blog. I'm also in the Blog the Weight Away challenge at
ReplyDeleteOf course I'm with you! I actually just bought the Wii Fit recently, but I think I'm doing something wrong. Like you, I was always a runner and Tae Bo girl. The Wii Fit just doesn't seem to give me the workout/sweatfest I'm looking for. Not to mention the fact that the first week I gained two pounds according to that thing! I do have a Jillian Michaels one that I still need to try out though, so I'm hoping that's more what I'm looking for. I LOVE food so my goal is just to move more and downsize my portions. Of course, it doesn't help that my husband is supposed to be GAINING weight...and there's a Twix in the kitchen calling my name...
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, Reet!
ReplyDeleteI KNOW you can do it......I've seen you do it before! Your ability to focus and lose weight is amazing once you set your mind to it!
ReplyDeleteI've been working to take off the holiday tonnage that I've put on since Thanksgiving, and am starting to see results. I finally got back into my "skinny jeans" this week! They're still tight and I won't wear them in public yet, but at least they'll zip now. I need to be fit & healthy so I can come keep those little boys while you go to the wedding in July. Let's do this together! XXXOOO
I really enjoyed reading your post... it did remind me that I was planning to be back in the 'shape of my life' for my 40th birthday... and I am turning 45 this november - YIKES! What happened. Not sure it helps that my husband 'love you just the way you are's me all the time... maybe he should just once say "Hey fatty - get off the sofa and put that sandwich DOWN!'... but then he is a Card carrying marriage survivalist...
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to scoping out some of your other writing.. you are funny!
Cheers Lulu
Here with you! Rooting you on, and trying to get myself back as well!
ReplyDeleteGood for you, and good luck! I'll be following right behind after this kid pops. . .
ReplyDeleteI'm working on it. Doing pretty good with the exercise but dangit exercise makes me hungry!
ReplyDeleteI'm totally with you, Rita. My kiddo just turned two, and while yes, I'm back at my pre-pregnancy weight, it's certainly not a weight I was happy with before pregnancy. I had wanted to lost 50 or 60 pounds before I got pregnant, so I've got my work cut out for me. I try to work out a minimum of 4 days a week, 2 days of just cardio (one hour minimum - I usually do an aerobics class), and 2 days of 30 minutes of cardio followed by an hour of weight training. The exercise part is easy. It's the diet part that's totally not, for me at least. Sugar is definitely one of my five favorite food groups. I feel for you! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteGod I so feel you on this post. It's been a struggle all my life and now that I am a single, working mom, guess who comes LAST on the list. And all that that implies...preparing GOOD food...exercising properly, etc - it is just so hard. Found you through SITS..great stuff here!!!
ReplyDeleteI am absolutely disgusted with myself. but having three kids leaves zero time for working out. I've decided to just make it more of priority to go to church and I would pray to be skinny. :)
ReplyDeleteRita, are you still struggling with the weight thing? I have been since birth so I can relate. In fact, my mom said the Dr. told her to put me on 1% milk at 3 mos. cause I was so fat...thanks, mom, fat ass and low brain function due to poor diet. :) If you aren't...great for you. (blah, blah, blah) If you are, then misery loves company and maybe we can get smaller asses one blog at a time...(