Is Your Refrigerator Running?
I was all set to write about the Christmas tree today, just like I said I was going to. But then? An event happened in our household. An event which sucks beyond mere suckage; which, although not classified as "devastating," is certainly a crisis. Warning: you are about to read a furious rant which will more than likely contain a dirty word or two (or ten). Proceed only if you aren't easily offended, 'cause I can't promise to be nice today.
Curtis gets paid once a month. And so at the first of every month, we do our "big" grocery shopping - which we just finished yesterday. Consequently, our side-by-side fridge/freezer is packed with food right now.
So because life is sometimes a hateful BIATCH, this of course would be the time that the aforementioned refrigerator/freezer chooses to quit working. Because of a burnt motor or some other non-easily-fixable problem. It couldn't have happened a few days ago when there was, like, a bottle of ketchup and a few hot sauce packets and a half-gallon of milk in there. Oh noooooo.
And wouldn't you also know that our warranty ran out last year? And that every repair place in town seems to be mysteriously booked up until Tuesday? And that, gee, we don't seem to have the extra money to buy a new fricking refrigerator lying around?
And doesn't it just figure that we bought extra food this month (that is now rapidly thawing). Because we're expecting company for Christmas. And doesn't it just effing figure that this happens during the month of Christmas. When I still have Christmas shopping to do. Only now who knows if I'm going to be able to do it because, hello? Food crisis? Refrigerator repairs? The cost of a little emergency chest-freezer that Curtis is out buying as I type this so we can hopefully salvage some of our ENTIRE MONTH WORTH OF FOOD?
Of course this wouldn't be as serious if it weren't on the heels of a problem with our Jeep. Which I rely on to get Colin back and forth to school every day. It's been "sick" but drivable for a few months now ... but in the last few days the poor ol' girl (yes, my Jeep is a girl. What??) has taken a turn for the worse. Which means repairs are needed imminently. Repaaaaaaaairrrrrrrs.
Y'all hear that? It's the sound of the belt tightening so hard it's cutting off my circulation.

That really stinks. It always seems at our house, when it rains it pours misfortune. I hope everything works out.
ReplyDeleteCan you have someone 'babysit' your food? Don't you wish we could get around in an aerocar like the Jetsons? Or a DeLorean that ran on garbage, oh yeah.
ReplyDeleteAw crap! Don't ya just fucking love that when it all has to happen at once??? Just breeeeeaaaathe....IT WILL PASS! try to make the best of it, everything will work out! Most everybody I know is struggling towards the upcoming holiday. I just have to keep telling myself it is not about the presents. Get ur car fixed! :D
ReplyDeleteUgggg, hope things get better......
ReplyDeleteBah. Sorry to hear that chickadee. Nothing more frustrating than a much needed appliance craps out like that.
ReplyDeleteWell if you lived near me I would store your food for you :) HOWEVER, if you lived near me you could just place your food on the porch as it's effin' freezing outside!
Ugh. That seriously sucks! Hope things get better soon! We just had the same with our oven a mere week before Thanksgiving - which we were hosting for 15 people. We did end up getting it hang in there...I'm hoping the same for you - but much quicker!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is one of those lemon moments. I'm so sorry. Just when you think everything is mapped out and planned and you're good to go, someone has a monkey wrench handy. Ugh. Sending prayers that you get a quick fix and that the holidays are a lot more kinder to you.
ReplyDeleteOH no, I'm sorry. I hate when everything happens at once. I know how that goes. It seriously seems like my house is falling apart on me.
ReplyDeleteIf it were me I'd just haul the old fridge out to the back deck. Devenport isn't supposed to get above freezing anytime soon. Your food should be OK.
ReplyDeleteI am so, sooooo sorry. There is just nothing worse than freaking repairs needed. I live in this constant state of fear of WHAT THE HELL WILL WE DO when something breaks? Currently we've been down to one car for 2 months. We can't afford the repairs. Stupid sucks! Good luck friend, hope all your food is saved and you make it through this rough patch.
ReplyDeleteHope you got all your food moved to cooler places and that repairs - on the car AND fridge - aren't too expensive! Christmas will be wonderful whether you have a big feast or not. You'll have Vince to visit with while you watch the wonder and excitement of those three little boys! :o)
ReplyDeleteI hear you! These thing always seem to hit at the worst possible moment. I hope you can sort things out with the least possible trouble and expense.
ReplyDeleteWe bought all our appliances around the same time, so when one broke down it seemed like the others soon followed. We didn't have money for repairs either. We had been marries about 10 years. I thought all appliances and the cars were in a conspiracy to drive us nuts. We made it through.. Seems like we were always worried about how to pay for what was broken or was thinking about breaking. Come to think of it we still are. It always has a way of working out. Hang in there by your finger nails if you have to. It'll be alright soon.